First Post December 26 2013
This is my first post on my new website. I love this time of the year, the end of one season, and the anticipation of the next. Usually our last show is in early December and our next show in late January. We take those 6 weeks to look back over last year and start planning for next. Being on the road 40 weekends a year doesn't leave much studio time. More time in the studio would be my New Years wish! Soooo..... Now I'm trying figure out what I will be drawing on for the next 4 months.
This year has been a little different for us. This year Santa brought me a new right hip! I'm looking forward to a new year without pain. Doing great and getting a lot of good planning done! My work comes from my experiences in life and fortunately last year was a great year for our "research and development" excursions. After going through thousands of photos taken last year, I think I have lined up several exciting pieces for next year. the next several weeks I will be dividing my time between physical therapy and working on new drawings. In my spare time I'll be printing.
We still have a lot of new pieces to add to the website, so over the next few weeks be looking for a lot of new posts. This is probably enough for now! I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!